Why should students march for science?

onsdag 19. april 2017
kl. 17:0019:00
Pris: Gratis

On April 22nd academics, students and civil society are marching in towns around Norway and the world for science. (Event for Oslo:https://www.facebook.com/events/1837923606464780/).

We are witnessing political forces in society wishing to steer scientific results, discrediting of the scientific method, and a lack of trust towards legitimite knowledge sources.

We wish for students to engage in science. We believe students have a place in this march because we are recipients, users and future developers of science in one of the biggest knowledge producing institutions in society. We should stand up for academic freedom and independent research.

Why do you march for science? Join us for an informal meeting where we will present and discuss students’ and our organizations place in this march.

The event is open for all students with a connection to the University of Oslo.

Norsk og english speakers er velkomne.

Affiliated organizations to the March: Naturvernforbundet, Concerned Scientists Norway, Akademiet for yngre forskere, Forskerforbundet, SAIH,Studentparlamentet ved Universitetet i Oslo.