English Improv Comedy Show (EN)

onsdag 4. april 2018
kl. 20:0021:30
Pris: 70 / 50

IMPRO NEUF INTERNATIONAL proudly presents Oslo’s premier improv comedy shows in English. Hosted by The Improv Speakeasy, we bring fresh pickings of the city’s talents onto the limelight. It’s a different team every Wednesday!

Room: Lillesalen, Chateau Neuf
Doors open 20:00
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: 50 NOK (online/member) / 70 NOK (at the door)
Tickets: https://improneuf.ticketco.events

Book before others to get the Early Bird 50% Discount!

*Join our fun community Impro Neuf International for more English improv and FREE workshops!
