Dalai Lama’s Talk With Students

torsdag 8. mai 2014
kl. 13:3015:30
Pris: Gratis



Q: How do I get a ticket?
A: We will hand out several hundred tickets May 6th at Chateau Neuf 17:00. First come, first serve, and only one ticket per person.

Q: I’m not a student, but can I also pick up a ticket?
A: Yes, non-students can also get a ticket

Q: I’m not able to pick up a ticket on May 6th, but still would like to see the event. Is this possible?
A: Yes, there will be a live broadcast of the event to the basement of Chateau Neuf, and does not require a ticket. You can also watch the event live on dalailama.com or NRK Kunnskapskanalen in an edited version

Q: When should I be at Chateau Neuf May 8th?
A: We kindly ask you to be there at 12.00. There are several security checkpoints each person must go through and we don’t have much time between the to events. Also, the doors to Storsalen close 13.20.

Q: Can I bring a bag?
A: Yes, but all bags and jackets must be left in the wardrobe, against a fee of 20 NOK

Q: Can I take photos during the event?
A: We will not stop you from taking a photo (or selife?) with your smartphone, but only accredited press is allowed into the room with a large camera or video equipment. In any cas: No flash.

Q: I’m a journalist, can I be accredited?
A: We have closed our list and do not hand out any more to journalists or photographers


During his visit to Norway in May, His Holiness the 14th The Dalai Lama has chosen to focus on a dialogue with students. Under the topic “Taking Responsibility for Tomorrow’s World” he wants to challenge the Norwegian students on taking action, and discuss what prevents this on both a personal level and in the community. The event is organized by Kulturutvalget at the Norwegian Students’ Society an this year’s Arne Næss Symposium.


13:30 Fanfare and Welcome with Nina Witoszek and Håkon Søiland, followed by an introduction by Ole Petter Ottersen

13:40 Dalai Lama and David Abram

14:20 Dalai Lama and the students

15:30 Event finished


Project Manager and Head of Kulturutvalget : Håkon Søiland, email (hakon.soiland@studentersamfundet.no) , mobile 971 45 127

Responsible for Arne Næss Symposium : Prof. Nina Witoszek, email ( n.w.m.witoszek@sum.uio.no), mobile 986 77 974


Media wishing to attend the event must be accredited.

Hashtag for the event: #DalaiLamaOslo