15 posts by Andrew McCalman

Arkadia: A Present from the Past

Tom Stoppard is considered by many to be one of the finest playwrights in recent history. To say that Arkadia (eng. Arcadia) is his magnum opus then sets expectations quite high from the start. Teater Neuf took on that challenge and did not disappoint.

On spring and haiku

An overall positive take on how death could be what makes spring and haiku so enjoyable.

The Beaten Generation

At a time when many global issues are compounding, the new wave of students might have a bigger task ahead of them than ever before.

International Studies Remain Free

During the last year, a looming shadow has hovered over the future of international students in Norway; a piece of legislation that would require them to pay tuition fees to study here. However, it was just announced on Tuesday that this push from the government has been cancelled, or rather, that KrF and Venstre blocked the bill in negotiations.

The grand toilet review

Tasked with writing simple reviews of Chateau Neuf’s toilets, Skribentersamfundet went above and beyond the call of doodie. Several unusual approaches could only be met with an unusual response: a single piece to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

World Wide Narratives suksesshistorie

På en dyster Oslo-kveld i en nedslitt jazzkafé satt jeg meg ned ovenfor Therese Byhring og Merete Grimeland. Disse to sprudlende kvinnene grunnla og driver World Wide Narrative (WWN), et selskap de selv definerer som et “firma for sosial innovasjon”…

Den Store Festen!

This Saturday night is going to be a bit bittersweet; it’s the end of an amazing two weeks of parties, fun, new friends and fantastic concerts. But it’s not finishing without a big bang!

Den Nye Appen!

I et forsøk på å gjøre det enda enklere å bli medlem av Det Norske Studentersamfund, og for å kunne følge med på alt det fantastiske som skjer på Chateu Neuf, har vi nå gleden av å presentere en ny app.

Videos and voyeurism

Leading up to the Found Footage Festival taking place at Chateau Neuf tomorrow night, we caught up with one of the co-founders of the event, Nick Prueher, for some history. Be sure to catch him and Joe in Klubb on Wednesday night at 7:30pm!

A life in exile

In light of the impending visit from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, it seemed a good opportunity to present a very brief outline of his eventful life and some of the incredible ways in which his message of compassion has touched the world.

Volunteering: Gratis and gratification

An exploration of what it is to volunteer and why it’s worth it. Whether you believe in true selflessness or just love being surrounded by fellow drinkers, there is a home for your efforts within Chateau Neuf.

A pre Afterski

Two intrepid souls take to the snowy hills with beer in hand. It’s a tale of love, getting lost, and returning to the trail.

Record-breaking party

The Semesterstartfest was a huge success and now there are new pictures of the night up. And although January is almost over, the program is still overflowing with fantastic events to be part of!

The Photo Club lens itself to fun

Det siste året har Skribentersamfundet besøkt de ulike foreningene Studentersamfundet har å by på. Vi har testet, spurt og gravd, og forsøkt å finne ut av hva det egentlig er de driver med. Denne gangen har vi besøkt Fotoklubben.

«Deep in the catacombs beneath Chateau Neuf there lives a tireless group of friendly photographers.»

The General Assembly 2013

The excited chatter and rustle of papers bounce around the walls of Storsalen as members fuel themselves with coffee and snacks before 2013’s General Assembly. A podium is set upon the stage and lit with the ferocity of a thousand suns, much to the compounding displeasure of anyone required to speak throughout the night.